In Arabic | English transliteration | Meaning | Benefits

This Arabic phrase glorifies Allah in all His magnificence.

In Arabic

سبحان اللہ

English transliteration

 Subhaan Allah


Glorious is Allah or Exalted is Allah


Subhan Allah is said when we are applauding Allah and His creations. It is also used as an expression of wonderment and joy. It is a powerful phrase that represents Allah as a vast ocean and the complete dependence on Him for support. People also say Subhanallah during times of struggle and strife. This reminds them of the purpose of the struggle and gives them refuge in the beautiful creation of Allah. Trials and tribulations in life can be long and can affect people’s patience; therefore, they say Subhanallah during this time to help them restore balance and perspective and put their minds at ease. It is also believed that when one recites this prayer they are accepting the perfection of Allah and all His beautiful names and attributes.