Chant in Punjabi | English transliteration | Meaning | Benefits | History

A chant that is believed to help chase away stress and fear, Ang Sang Wahe Guru is often recited when one needs strength and healing.

Chant in Punjabi

ਅੰਗ ਸੰਗ ਵਾਹਿ ਗੁਰੂ

Chant in English transliteration

Ang Sang Wahe Guru

Meaning of the chant

Ang (a part) Sang (with every or in every) Wahe (the indescribable living ecstasy of Infinite Being) Guru (a knowledge that can transform your essence, emotion, and mind).

Benefits of the chant

People believe that chanting this mantra allows you to become one with the infinite source that brings happiness. It may help clears your mind from all dark thoughts and offers peace. Ang Sang Wahe Guru has the potential to destroy negative thoughts and habits that you harbor subconsciously. If you are under any stress or fear, this mantra could help bring peace and help you face any challenge and stay ready to act. Chanting this mantra also has the potential to bring you together with God, Guru, strength, positivity, and wisdom.

History of the chant

Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan offered the mantra first to fight the emotional imbalances resulting from war and find true peace. He had offered it the first time in the time of war against Iraq. He again offered it to bring strength and healing. 

Important information about the chant

To heal your mind and find true peace, you may chant the mantra 25 times a day. You can say “Ang Sang Wahe Guru” wherever you are or whichever position you are in. Chanting this mantra does not require you to be in a meditative posture. Just repeating the mantra while trusting that the Guru is with you is enough for the mantra to work. With the “Ang Sang Wahe Guru” mantra, you can guide yourself into the light from the darkness.