In Arabic | English transliteration | Meaning | Benefits

This Arabic dua is recited to seek Allah’s protection and help in times of trouble.

In Arabic

الله ونعم الوكيل حسبنا

English transliteration

Hasbunallah Wa Ni’mal-Wakil


Sufficient for us is Allah, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs


When you chant Hasbunallah Wa Ni’mal-Wakil, you put your trust in the Almighty. By reciting this dua, you request that He should be with you in your distress and create the path for your escape from any situation. When in some languages wakil means a lawyer, it also means a protector, who is The Almighty. With this dua, you acknowledge that The Almighty is sufficient for you and He will take care of you. It is believed that this dua offers great strength in the face of challenge.


Hasbunallah Wa Ni’mal-Wakil is the dua that A’ishah had recited when she was charged with slander. To protect her, the Almighty had sent 20 verses of the Holy Quran to the earth. Those verses are still chanted today by His followers. A’ishah dua was answered by the Almighty as she had recited it with sincerity and had put her complete trust in Him.

Important information

This dua can be recited at any time when you understand that the Almighty is enough to remove any harm that may come your way. Muslims believe that reciting Hasbunallah Wa Ni’mal-Wakil will allow you to seek the help you require from the Almighty for your current or future challenges. As you can leave your affairs to the Almighty through this dua, it allows you to realize that the Almighty has the best plans for you, even when you cannot comprehend them fully.