Chant in Punjabi | English transliteration | Meaning | Benefits | History

Sa Ta Na Ma is known as a transformative mantra, this spiritual phrase is believed to help people replace negativity with positivity in their lives.

Chant in Sanskrit

Chant in English transliteration

Sa Ta Na Ma

Meaning of the chant

Sa (the birth and the entirety of the universe)

Ta (life, existence, and creativity manifest)

Na (death and transformation)

Ma (rebirth and experiencing the pleasure of the infinite)

Benefits of the chant

This chant is believed to have advantages, including:

  • Improving your memory
  • Creating a sound that can activate the most powerful chakras
  • Helping you with getting rid of addictions and other bad habits
  • Curing insomnia if you chant the mantra before going to sleep
  • Effectively lowering your stress
  • Helping to  improve your mental clarity
  • Healing you emotionally
  • Calming your mind by cleansing the subconscious
  • Improving your mental balance

History of the chant

The SA TA NA MA meditation practice is known as Kundalini Kirtan Kriya. Yogi Bhajan is credited for bringing this practice to North America and making it popular there. In Sanskrit, Kirtan means “praise” and Kriya means “action” or “to do.”

Important information about the chant

The four words of the SA TA NA MA mantra are made of the five primary sounds of our universe, which are SSS, TTT, NNN, MMM, and AAA. Chanting this mantra signifies action when you sing it, inner mind when you whisper it, and spiritual voice when you repeat it silently. SA TA NA MA mantra is also known as the “mantra of transformation”, as the five sounds of the universe have the power to transform you.