Chant in Sanskrit | English transliteration | Meaning | Benefits
This is one of most popular mantras, chanted by those who want to purify their mind of evil. 

Chant in Sanskrit

ॐ वज्रसत्त् हूं

Chant in English transliteration

Om Vajra Sattva Hum

Meaning of the chant

Om, Vajra Sattva (Essence of all Bodhisattvas), Hum (Recalling).

Benefits of the chant

It is said that chanting the mantra purifies the mind. The mantra has the potential to diminish evil thoughts and enhance virtue.

Important information

This mantra is a shorter form of the 100-syllable Buddhist mantra for purification. For all Vajrayana practitioners, chanting this mantra is a must. It has to be chanted 100,000 times to derive its full potential.