Chant in Hindi | Chant in English transliteration | Chant Meaning | Benefits of the chant | History of the chant | Important information about the chant

This chant is known as the liberation chant. It is believed to help bring positivity into one’s life.

Chant in Hindi

नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय

Chant in English transliteration

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya

Chant meaning

Om: This refers to the Supreme Infinite Spirit or Person. 

Namo: This refers to salutation, worship, a common spoken valediction or salutation. ‘Namo’

Bhagvate: This is God in Sanskrit, someone who is considered God (or equally powerful, merciful). Bhagavate is also the one who is becoming divine.

Vasudevaya: Vasu means “Life in all beings”, while Devaya means “God”. So, this means God (life/light) who lives in all beings. Other meaning: Krishna is also known as Vaasudeva (Krishna), as He was the son of Vasudeva. In the Bhagavad-Gita, Arjuna called Krishna by the name Vaasudeva many times.

Benefits of the chant

This chant is also known as the Mukti Mantra or the liberation chant. This hymn may provide spiritual guidance and direction to gain freedom from the cycle of birth and death to attain Moksh or salvation. Regular chanting of this mantra is said to bring blessings from Lords Vishnu and Krishna. Many believe that chanting this mantra may help people be graced by the presence of Lord Vishnu himself. 

This chant is also believed to have the power to keep evil forces at bay and create an invisible shield that attracts only positive thoughts and actions. It may produce a strong aura that only invites people who are beneficial for you, increasing confidence and strength to face life challenges. 

Chanting this mantra daily can potentially turn your life around, allowing you to see good things happen in various aspect of your life. This chant is also repeated to help purify the subconscious mind. 

History of the chant

This chant can be found in the Bhagavad Gita. It worships Lord Krishna, an avatar of Lord Vishnu, and is also known as Dwadasakshari or the twelve syllable mantra.  

Important information about the chant

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya is a freedom chant to gain liberation from the cycle of life and death. This mantra can be chanted at any time of the day. Throughout its mythical history, there is evidence of this mantra allowing people to meet Lord Krishna to repent for their sins. 

According to legend, Prince Dhruva was born to King Uttanapada and wanted to earn his rightful place in the kingdom. He chanted this mantra every day without food and water for six months. His dedication reached the Heavens and Lord Krishna appeared before him and blessed him.