In Arabic | English transliteration | Meaning | Benefits

This Arabic phrase is recited to seek Allah’s forgiveness and help cleanse the soul of sinful actions.

In Arabic

أَسْتَغْفِرُ ٱللَّٰهَ

English transliteration



I seeking forgiveness from Allah


Islam believes that human beings were created by Allah and were allowed to choose their own actions. They could either do good or bad deeds. Doing bad deeds was going directly against Allah. However, Allah was a merciful God and He knew that people were prone to faltering, and in order to prevent them from carrying their sins for eternity, He gave people the opportunity to seek forgiveness or Istighfar. 

This dua is the gateway to happiness, as whenever you are in trouble you can start reciting this dua if you wish for all the anxiety and stress inside you to melt away and put you at peace with the situation. It is believed that if you devote yourself to this dua, all your prayers will be answered; it may also make way for sustenance throughout life. Allah becomes merciful if you recite this dua daily. When the stress of life troubles you and you have negative thoughts, Istighfar may help soothes those emotions and alleviates the sadness. Thus, this dua helps relax your mind and just put all the worldly troubles at bay. 

Many believe that those suffering from depression can be greatly benefited by reciting this dua with all their heart, as it will help them quash those thoughts. We may also be absolved of all our sins, as it reminds us that Allah is everywhere, thus reducing our chances of committing any sinful actions. In a hadith, it is said that if a person seeks forgiveness daily, Allah will pave a path for the person out of poverty and troubles; all hardships of life will be removed. The person will only experience prosperity and happiness. Reciting this dua 100 times daily will also open the doors of heaven for the person and they will enter paradise.