Waterfall Kids Meditation is a mindfulness-based technique for youngsters and adults alike, and the method has the ability to help meditators subside fear(1)


Waterfall Kids Meditation is an excellent practice that is especially good for anyone who is afraid to do something(1). This is known as a “protection meditation” as it helps young kids tackle unpleasant feelings, nightmares, mean people, and other negative aspects of life(1)

However, the meditation technique is not limited to that. Waterfall Meditation also offers you an inner strength to fight diseases and heal your body(2). The technique is also known as the White Light Meditation as it uses the imagery of a waterfall made of white light. The method guides you through the procedure of activating the healing ability already existing in your child. The technique helps kids focus their energy to purify and heal their body, mind, and spirit(2)


Waterfall Kids Meditation is a mindfulness technique. Mindfulness methods have always been important aspects of Buddhist meditation practices(3). However, these ancient techniques are not restricted by Buddhism. While it was extensively practiced by Zen Masters, there are enough texts suggesting that mindfulness techniques were common in traditions involving yogis and sages(3)

These practices have a glorious history of thousands of years(3). The practitioners of mindfulness have always stated that it helps the meditators recognize and observe their own mind, leading to greater wisdom, harmony, and satisfaction(3).

Benefits of Waterfall Kids Meditation

A research article by Astin J.A.(5) suggests that mindfulness-based meditation techniques have the ability to successfully reduce stress. The research also informs that continuous practice of this method can help meditators manage chronic pain. According to another research paper published in Advances in School Mental Health Promotion(6), meditation programs in school are good for kids. The young people participating in the study reported increased relaxation and calmness, reduced stress and anger, and improved concentration. 



  1. Planetary Publications | Meditating with Children: The Art of Concentration and Centering: A Workbook on New Educational Methods Using Meditation by Deborah Rozman
  2. meditatingworks.com | White Light Meditation
  3. Little, Brown Book Group | Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation for Everyday Life by Jon Kabat-Zinn | What Is Mindfulness
  4. Parallax Press | Planting Seeds: Practicing Mindfulness with Children by Thich Nhat Hanh | Page 95
  5. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics |Volume 66 | 1997 | Stress Reduction through Mindfulness Meditation: Effects on Psychological Symptomatology, Sense of Control, and Spiritual Experiences by Astin J.A.
  6. Advances in School Mental Health Promotion | Volume 2, Issue 1 | 2009 | Minding the Mind: The Effects and Potential of a School-Based Meditation Programme for Mental Health Promotion by Jonathan Campion and Sharn Rocco